Monday, November 17, 2008

4 is the new 2

When I was 10, it was having to get glasses what a traumatic event. What a blow to my self esteem to have to pull out those horn-rimmed glasses with the stems that bent and attatched to the bottom of the lens... Add to that a few lovely pimples the size of Mt. Vesuvius and I looked, in my father's words, like the poster child for puberty.

These days, however, it is quite "IN" to wear glasses. So, when Dr. Gore told Kellie Sue that she needed a bit of optical help, she was elated. Excited. Overjoyed.

I don't ever remember looking this adorable in my spectacles... in fact, I don't think I ever did.

She wears them more than she needs to... and I've caught her reading ...something I'd never thought I'd see. It used to be quite a chore to get her to pick up a book. Now she loves it. THANK YOU DR. GORE!!

Oh, and what is even more exciting to her is that now she looks even MORE like her Mama....
Mini-Me and me.....
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